Bentnick Ark Mariner Lodge
I was delighted to attend Bentnick Lodge of RAM in Kirby Lonsdale in the province of Cumberland & Westmorland to see Bro John Brownlow installed as commander of this fine lodge. John is the IPM of the Red Rose Mark Lodge which meets in Hindley. When John was in the chair he made the long journey from his home in Oxenholme to perform an advancement and also to install his successor in the chair.
Ken Alker with Barry Kirkbride, WC John Browlow & installing commander Ernest Fallowfield
I was in good company that evening with the DC of the Red Rose Lodge W Bro Ray Pye. I also spotted a couple of masons from West Lancs in the Lodge Room Bro John Robson former Group Chairman of the Chorley & District Group of Lodges and Malcolm Dewhust former building chairman of Westhoughton Masonic Hall. Michael Davies a past warden of the Mark Province of West Lancashire was representing his RAM Lodge in Kendal.
John had the privilege of the attendance of the DPGM of Cumberland & Westmorland W Bro Barry Kirkbride who was accompanied by a small team of acting officers which made the evening extra special.
The evening was concluded with an excellent meal, turkey & all the trimmings, my first Christmas dinner of the year, I don't think this will be the last!
Article and photograph Courtesy of Ken Alker